Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2016
Analysis of Optical Network Architecture and the Issues Encountered in its Adaption for Future Systems
Uroosa Bilal Chahudhry and Irum Mazhar
CSE Department, UET, Lahore
Abstract– Optical networks play a very important role in the infrastructure and deployment of information systems. But with the passage of time this technology needs reforms to make this a preferred choice for future systems. In this study we will discuss the basic structure of optical networks to take complete understanding of the working and issues that arises in their utility. This paper will discuss architectures of optical networks with two technologies. First is wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) and the second one is time division multiplexing (TDM). We will discuss the lacking of optical networks in adapting future technologies. Traffic grooming, need of wavelength multiplexing and cost effectiveness are the major issues that have to be discussed in order to analyze the efficiency of optical networks. In past optical networks bring resolution in the field of telecommunication but now efforts are required to make optical networks more compatible to future networks.
Keywords— Optical Networks, WDM, Issues and Technology

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Model for Design Concept Evaluation Using Decision-Matrix Logic
Oladejo K. A., Adetan D. A., Adewale M. D., and B. O. Malomo
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Department of Food Science and Technology, Obafemi Awolowo University, lle-lfe, Nigeria
Abstract– The selection of an optimal concept from two or more alternative concepts on the basis of alternative attributes in Conceptual Engineering Design (CED) is an iterative task, which is always tedious and may be misleading in nature. Decision-matrix based method is perhaps the most popular concept-selection approach used in engineering design. Although potentially effective and simple to use, it is not without inherent drawbacks. A typical decision matrix implementation requires the designer to specify several weighting and ranking factors in order to evaluate the total scores. However, the weighting factors sometimes prove confusing to specify. This paper describes a computer-based model, employing decision-matrix logic for concepts selection. The model presents a logical procedure for concepts evaluation considering the specified attributes and their relative importance. An example, on the design of a simple gearbox, is included to illustrate the adequacy and implementation of the model. The model can produce results that are reproducible, accurate, more informative, and more reliable to the designers. It was an integrated model for decision-making and is intended to enhance the capability of novice designers.
Keywords— Computer-Model, Decision-Matrix, Concept Selection, Conceptual Design and Gearbox
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Dilution and Wear Evaluation for Stellite 6 Deposited on a Martensitic Stainless Steel Substrate by Laser Cladding
Alain Kusmoko, Druce Dunne and Huijun Li
Faculty Engineering, University of Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia
Abstract– Stellite 6 was deposited by laser cladding on a martensitic stainless steel substrate with energy inputs of 1 kW (MSS-1) and 1.8 kW (MSS-1.8). The chemical compositions and microstructures of these coatings were characterized by atomic absorption spectroscopy, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The microhardness of the coatings was measured and the wear mechanism of the coatings was examined using a pin-on-plate (reciprocating) wear testing machine. The results showed less cracking and pore development for Stellite 6 coatings applied to the MSS substrate with the lower heat input (MSS-1). Further, the Stellite coating for MSS-1 was significantly harder than that obtained for MSS-1.8. The wear test results showed that the weight loss for MSS-1 was much lower than for MSS-1.8. The measurements of dilution and C content showed that MSS-1 possess lower dilution and higher C content than MSS-1.8. It is concluded that the lower hardness of the coating for MSS-1.8, together with the softer underlying substrate structure, markedly reduced the wear resistance of the Stellite 6 coating and the lower hardness of the coating for MSS-1.8 was due to higher level of dilution and lower C content.
Keywords— Dilution, Martensitic Stainless Steel, Stellite 6 Coating and Wear
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Design of Protective System for Children Trapped in Parked Vehicle
Asaad Abdullah Al Rahbi and G. R. Rameshkumar
Caledonian College of Engineering, P.O. Box 2322, CPO 111 Seeb, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Abstract– Forgetting a child inside a parked vehicle for few hours can be a serious reason for death by the hyperthermia. Tens of yearly reported accidents about parents intentionally left their child in the vehicle while being busy in the work. In other reported cases, parents unknowingly left their child in the vehicle. The results can be injury or worst death. The paper is aimed to study and design suitable system to prevent such a tragic accident to the children. Use of microcontroller design implemented to protect the trapped child by sending the parents alerting signal. Motion sensor is used to detect the presence of the child in the vehicle and temperature sensor for the monitoring the differential temperature between inside and outside the vehicle.
Keywords— Microcontroller, Vehicle, Accident and Protective System

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Requirements Prioritization: Challenges and Techniques for Quality Software Development
Muhammad Abdullah Awais
MS150200157, Virtual University of Pakistan
Abstract– Every organization is aware of the consequences and importance of requirements for the development of quality software product whether local or global. Requirement engineering phase of development with focus on the prioritization of requirements is going under huge research every day because in any development methodology, all requirements cannot be implemented at same time so requirements are prioritized to be implemented to give solution as early as possible in phases as scheduled in incremental fashion. Numerous frameworks and practices have been devised, in progress and some being discovered day by day. With such huge knowledge database and research available, it has always been confusing to decide which technique to follow to gain maximum results. Thus many projects fail because of the wrong choice in requirement prioritization because it’s really difficult to employ right technique and framework at right time. And problems do not end here rather due to strict deadlines, it’s often best to develop system in parts by different team members dispersed globally with diverse methodologies and differences and in this situation it becomes more difficult to prioritize requirements. I have conducted a research on some latest requirement prioritization techniques and methods and tried to include some latest research to lighten the knowledge in prioritization......
Keywords— Requirement Prioritization, Prioritization Techniques, Requirement Engineering, HCV, Global Software Development and GSD

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