Volume 6, Issue 9, September 2015
Design and Optimization of Pelton Wheel Turbine for Tube-Well
Faiz Ahmed Meeran, Muhammad Arslan, Ali Raza Mansha and Aamir Sajjad
Karachi Institute of Power Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department, UET, Lahore
Mechanical Engineering Department University of Sargodha
Mechanical Engineering Department, RCET Gujranwala
Abstract– In this work a Pelton wheel was designed and optimized which can be installed on tube well and can work as portable power generation system. This work is done by keeping in mind the current energy scenario of Pakistan. After designing, optimization is made by changing different parameters i.e., number of buckets, number of jets, diameter of jet, angle of deflection and jet ratio. And different characteristics curves are plotted and compared to select parameters giving maximum efficiency. By installing this turbine on ordinary (14 cm outlet pipe diameter) tube-well, the approximated output power is 2.8 KW. This work is done because of accountable potential at tube wells in Pakistan. Keeping in mind the compactness, bulkiness, cost and portability of turbine the fly-wheel was accommodated at the circumference of the wheel.
Keywords— Pelton Wheel Design Optimization, Portable Power Plant and Tube-well
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Blooms Taxonomy – Application in Exam Papers Assessment
S. Ilango Sivaraman and Dinesh Krishna
Caledonian College of Engineering, Muscat, Oman
Abstract– Testing the students’ cognitive level is the prime objective of any assessment system. However, it is perhaps necessary to review and introduce steps in the examination paper design to ensure that the student is tested for the different cognitive levels of learning. Blooms Taxonomy named after Benjamin Bloom classifies the different layers of learning processes that a student goes through when the learning objectives are set for them in a teaching program. In an educational environment where an array of programs and modules are taught by different teachers with differing learning objectives, the consistency of assessment across all modules also become a major task. Essentially, this is the prevailing learning and teaching atmosphere in Caledonian College of Engineering, Sultanate of Oman. This paper explores the elements of Blooms Taxonomy in examination assessment system in this college. Further, the methodology adopted by the assessment office of the College, in testing the students’ cognition levels (applying Blooms Taxonomy principles) and the questions for mapping the cognitive levels are illustrated. It is also felt that the application of Blooms Taxonomy system has enabled the teachers to set examination papers that are well balanced, testing the different cognitive skills without a tilt towards a tough or easy paper perception.
Keywords— Assessment System, Blooms Taxonomy, Cognition Levels and Examination Assessment
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Testing the Web: Challenges and Techniques for Quality Web Applications
Abstract– In few years the face of World Wide Web has been changed significantly. Now web is not merely the bunch of static pages coded by mark up language rather new technologies opened new doors for the web applications where web applications are powered by interactive database connectivity, hosting major part of business. With the passage of time and improvement in the web services and technologies producing reliable and robust web application and services, accessibility and availability of web applications on different devices has become the major focus. Testing while keeping on focus quality assurance is one of the key challenges to achieve and ensure the quality of these products. Testing web applications and web sites involve major challenges. Level of usability provided by web sites and applications directly relate to the user satisfaction. This is the reason testing the web becomes more crucial and complex activity. This research paper will try exploring the challenges tools and strategies to accomplish quality attributes and different testing methods while adhering to the traditional software quality assurance activities that are being conducted for traditional software applications along with web specific quality testing activities. This paper will try to provide an overview of different testing techniques for software testing, especially applicable to web applications to find out which testing method is best and must be adopted in certain conditions.
Keywords— Web Application Testing, Black Box Testing, White Box Testing, Browser Compatibility, Unit Testing and Integration Testing

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Effect of Cutting Parameters on Feed Cutting Force and Estimation of Feed Cutting Force in Dry Orthogonal Turning
Pedro I. Ezeanyagu and Sam. N. Omenyi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, PMB 5025, Nigeria
Abstract– Turning is a metal cutting process used for generation of cylindrical surfaces and shaft design. The process is associated with generation of extensive stresses and plastic deformations which influences cutting forces in the direction of feed. This feed cutting force is the background for the evaluation of the necessary power in machining. They are also used for dimensioning of machine tool components and the tool body, chip formation and machining system stability. With the inclusion of cutting parameters, studying feed cutting force in turning becomes expensive and cumbersome for local lathe users. Here an attempt is made to simplify the method of measuring and estimating feed cutting force and the effect selected cutting parameters has on the feed cutting force, in order to address a local problem in turning process.
Keywords— Turning Process, Feed Cutting Forces, Cutting Parameters and Dynamometer
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Cryptography: Challenges, Issues and Analysis
Abstract– In this age of digital world, information is vital to survive. Information sharing has been increased surprisingly since last 20 years. Purpose of information sharing is to facilitate smooth working while removing distance between people but at the same time this information might be corrupted, stolen or manipulated by unauthorized personal which is not acceptable at all. If corrupted or manipulated information is transmitted then there is no use of such information. So it’s the place where cryptography plays its role to ensure the integrity and security of transmitted information. With rapid growth of internet traffic in the form of ecommerce business, online transactions and information sharing, threat to information security and reliability has also increased and it’s really important to secure the information that is being used for future decisions and planning. So security and integrity of information is really important and to attain the security of data and information from unauthorized users cryptography has evolved new techniques. Today there are many cryptography techniques are being used and it’s very tough to know that which particular technique should be used in particular situation. With the availability of so many techniques it’s tough to make a choice of an efficient cryptography technique for the situation in hand. This research paper is going to analyse latest cryptographic techniques with respect to their functionality and situation where these techniques are best applicable to make a better choice for the problem in hand. Main focus of this research would be the analysis of some symmetric and asymmetric algorithms based on their security issues and limitations while an overview of some more algorithms belonging to both Asymmetric and symmetric techniques will be provided.
Keywords— Cryptography, Encryption, Security, Symmetric key Encryption, Asymmetric key Encryption and Information Hiding

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