Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2015
Suborbital Graphs and their Properties for Unordered Triples in An (n=5,6,7) Through Rank and Subdegree Determination
Cedric W. Ndarinyo and Jane k. Rimberia
Department of Mathematics, Kenyatta University, P.O. BOX 43844-00100, Nairobi
Abstract– In this paper, through computation of the rank and subdegrees of alternating group
An (n=5,6,7
) on unordered triples we construct the suborbital graphs corresponding to the suborbits of these triples. When
An (n ≥ 5
) acts on unordered pairs the suborbital graphs corresponding to the non-trivial suborbits are found to be connected, regular and have undirected edge except when n=6. Further, we investigate properties of the suborbital graphs constructed.
Keywords— Rank, Subdegrees, Unordered Triple of an Alternating Group and Suborbital Graphs
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Steady state Analysis of a Crude Oil Trunk Line: A Case Study
M. Babu and R.R Joshi
MAEER’s Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune-411038, India
Abstract– One of the major problems confronting the petroleum industry is the untimely blockage of oil due to deposition of heavy organics (asphaltene, resin, paraffin wax) present in the oil. In order to overcome these problems Flow assurance is employed. Flow assurance is a relatively new term in oil and gas industry. Flow assurance is successful operations that generate a reliable, manageable, and profitable flow of fluids from the reservoir to the sales point. Taking into consideration the above factors the scope of the paper would be to study the existing system from (Early Production System) EPS-I to EPS-V 8” trunk pipeline & to suggest remedial flow assurance measures. Simulation studies have been carried out on Pipesim Software in order to find out the pressure and temperature drops in the 8”X50 km EPS-I to EPS-V pipeline. Results conclude that heating the crude up to 65
oC is imperative before pumping at all 3 installations. The crude oil from EPS-IV, EPS-III, EPS-II is required to be reheated at EPS-I before pumping to EPS-V. It will assist in transportation from flow assurance point of view due to better shear as well as better heat retention in the line.
Keywords— Trunk Line, Flow Assurance and Pipesim
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Evaluation of the Quality and Level of Adulteration of Palm Oil Obtained from Different Locations in Enugu Metropolis, Nigeria
Madubuike Paul Chigbogu, Ezigbo Ifeanyichukwu Jonathan, Ekpe Ikedichi Onyenankeya and Onukwube Sunday Ikechukwu
Projects Developments Institute (PRODA), Emene Industrial Layout, Enugu State, Nigeria
Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria
Abstract– Palm oil is one of the major fats and oils produced in Nigeria, which is of great value in the diet of many people. This paper therefore, evaluates the quality of palm oil samples obtained from major palm oil producing towns in Enugu State and the parameter done and the results obtained were as follows: Moisture content range from 0.13-0.2%, Specific gravity 0.844–0.896, Saponification value from 194.90–198.57mgKOH/g, Peroxide value from 4.25–6.80mgKOH/g, iodine value from 52.46–53.74Wij,s, Free fatty acid (FFA) from 2.68–2.96mgKOH/g, Smoke value range from 115.35–117.80
oc, Fire point from 337.15–338.70
oc, Melting point 34.75–35.55
oc and Carotene contents range from 1380.20–1520.64mg/kg, also the results obtained after the analysis of varians (ANOVA) showed that there were no Significant different (P>0.05) in the specific gravity, smoke value, fire point and melting point. Meanwhile, the only significant difference were observed in carotene content which is (P>0.05) in palm oil samples respectively.
Keywords— Quality Evaluation, Palm Oil, Physiochemical Properties and Market
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Mathematical Modeling of Insulin Therapy in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Boniface O. Kwach, Omolo Ongati, M. Oduor Okoya and Amos E. O. Otedo
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, P.O.Box 1699-50200, Bungoma, Kenya
School of Mathematics and Actuarial Science, P.O.Box 210-40601, Bondo, Kenya
Kisumu East District Hospital, P.O.Box 4685-40103, Kisumu, Kenya
Abstract– This study presents a Mathematical Model Insulin Therapy in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus which includes external rate at which blood glucose, insulin and epinephrine are being increased in the form,
Y,' = AY+r, -(t) and whose solution was analyzed to provide the systems natural frequency, w
0, which is the basic descriptor of saturation level of the drug. It was established that the resonance period for the final model, that is, T
0=3.76912 hrs, is in the acceptable therapeutic range and agrees well with the data for the existing insulin therapy. By employing the model, it is shown that, the peak, which is the time period for insulin to be most effective in lowering blood sugar, is shorter than T
0=5.3199 hrs, for the existing model. This model would help the medical practitioners to predict drug therapy in patients with Diabetes Mellitus, in such a way that the concentration of the drug remains in the therapeutic range.
Keywords— Mathematical Model, Linear System and Resonance Period
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Cloud Computing Awareness and Adoption Among Small and Medium Scale Businesses (SMB) in Nigeria
Omotunde A. A., Izang, A. A., Awoniyi O. C., Omotunde, B. K., and Mensah, Yaw. A
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Babcock University, Ogun State, Nigeria
Abstract– Small and Medium scale Businesses (SMBs) have in the past added to the growth and development of many economies in the world. In time past, the information technology (IT) needs of these SMBs brought about an increase in requirements for enterprise IT solutions that are more efficient and have high availability and scalability over time. Cloud Computing offers such solutions that can be of immense benefit to SMBs. However, reports show that Cloud Computing has not been fully adopted in developing countries, Nigeria inclusive. Therefore, the aim of this research is to investigate the level of awareness and adoption of Cloud Computing in Nigeria and explicate why it is so. The mixed method approach was adopted i.e., both qualitative method (Interview) and quantitative method (Questionnaire) was used to collect data for analysis. The result of the research indicates that SMBs are adopting Cloud Computing services but there is still a need for massive awareness to be created by service providers and other recognized Information Technology bodies to enable SMBs to better utilize the benefits that Cloud Computing offers. The responses of the participants were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Based on the research findings, the main concern of users in the cloud environment is data security and privacy and this also serve as a hindrance for the SMBs who have not adopted the technology yet. These concerns could be lessened by ensuring that effective security policies are put in place by both parties i.e., the cloud service provider and the SMB. This research allows for knowledge-based decision to be made about the security risks and benefits of using Cloud Computing.
Keywords— Cloud Computing, Benefits, Security, SMBs and Risks
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