Volume 9, Issue 5, May 2018
Investigation the Effects of Micro-Riblet Film on a Wing-in-Ground Effect
Alireza Heidarian, Hassan Ghassemi and Pengfei Liu
Department of Marine Engineering, Persian Gulf University, Boushehr, Iran
Department of Maritime Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania, Locked bag 1395, Launceston, TAS 7250, Australia & International School of Ocean Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Weihai, 264200, China
Abstract– Engineering marvels have led to the design and build the wing-in-ground-effect (WIG) crafts to fill the gap between ships and aircraft as a new opportunity for transportation. One of the most significant issues in WIG crafts design is drag and lift force when the craft starting to plane. In this study, living nature has been used as an instrument to solve the mentioned problem. There are various ways in nature to reduce drag force in fluid flow, such as the evidence in the movements of fish, sharks and dolphins, the skin of fast-swimming sharks is covered by micro-riblets that assist them to move fast. In this research, by using Computational Fluid Dynamics software ANSYS CFX the effects of riblets on the wing in ground effect were examined. A Clark-Y wing was simulated in simulation software at various Reynolds number and drag and lift coefficients are captured. The results reveal that by using the riblets on the wings in the ground 7 % drag reduction and 6% increase in lift force can be achieved.
Keywords— WIG Craft, CFD Method, Clark-Y Wing, Riblet, Drag Reduction and Lift Growth
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A Comparative Study of Optical Burst Switching Network Techniques
Rabia Tahir Bajwa
University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract– This paper collects the data on currently in use techniques to implement optical burst switching in optical networks. A table enlisting the main differences is also enclosed in this work. A comparison is carried out between different types of optical burst switching techniques on the basis of network parameters. These parameters can include cost of the network, capacity requirements, QoS (quality of service) and network’s traffic load. There are different environments in which these networks are implemented. These conditions and requirements of the network consequently ask for a specific area of efficiency from the designer. This paper will prove to be helpful for the network designers to decide their choice of switching technique while designing a network by enabling them to choose the best suited approach for their desired efficiency.
Keywords— SOptical Switching Techniques, Optical Networks and Optical Burst Switching
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Determining Equations of Fourth Order Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation
T. J. O. Aminer
School of Mathematics and Actuarial Science, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 210-40601, Bondo, Kenya
Abstract– Determining Equations are linear partial differential equations. The equation to be solved is subjected to extension generator. The coefficient of unconstrained partial derivatives is equated to zero and since the equations are homogeneous their solutions form vector space [1]. The determining equations obtained leads to n-parameter symmetries.
Keywords— Infinitesimal Generators, Prolongation, Lie Symmetry, Ordinary Differential Equation and Determining Equation
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Detection and Mitigation of DDOS Attacks in Software Defined Networks: A Survey
Fawad Ahmad, Nadir Pervez, Junaid Arshad and Rizwan Ali
Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract– DDOS Attacks have been a serious threat to the Network Security for the last few years. With the introduction of SDN, Although the problem of DDOS Attacks can easily be resolved in traditional networks as it provides a central control plane paradigm for such attacks in the network but due to the separate control plane it also increases the SDN-self DDOS threats. In this paper, we first look at the algorithms supported by SDN for the detection of DDOS in traditional network. Then we describe the different types of algorithms for the detection and mitigation of SDN-self DDOS threats. Also, we classify the different algorithms based on selected approaches and compare them.
Keywords— Distributed Denial of Service, SDN, Detection Algorithm, Mitigation Techniques, SDN Security and SDN-Self DDOS Attacks
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