Volume 9, Issue 8, August 2018
The Adoption Elements in Network Environment on Cloud Services in Higher Learning Institution- Instruments Pretesting
Azlinda Abdul Aziz, Salyani Osman, Setyawan Widyarto, Suziyanti Marjudi and Rahayu Handan
Univesiti Selangor Malaysia
Abstract– The success factor elements adoption in a network environment on cloud services by Higher Learning Institution (HLI) is necessary to be defined appropriately. Most of the HLI know the advantage in using network environment on cloud services but they still fear to utilize it because of lack of awareness, guideline, and experience. The success factor elements in using network environment on cloud services are defined and retrieve from the literature and validated by the expert at the preliminary studies. The expert came from the institutions that have experience in used cloud services for an identified the accuracy of the elements. The clear elements define are purposed and stated as an important element. The designing of the questionnaire survey is made before distributed to pilot study. This paper went thru the step at the designing questionnaire survey. The output was getting onward will be used as elements adoption of designing in proposed a guideline for HLI in selecting the correct elements that influence the success of selecting the network environment on cloud services. The content and construct validity were done by the reviewer
expert in the different fields. The experts were checking the validity of the questions. The questionnaire survey was revised base on the comments of the experts. The understanding and reliability of the questionnaire were getting as a final stage before distributed to the pilot study. This paper will depict an impact of the questionnaire survey development in getting the comprehensive and understanding of the questions design onward to get the smooth process at the pilot test to get the actual result.
Keywords— Cloud, Content, Validity, Construct and Network Environment
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Lattice Boltzmann Method Study of Flow Past a Circular Cylinder in 2D
Arumona. A.E
Department of Physics, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue, Nigeria
Abstract– In this work, the flow past a circular cylinder in 2D was studied using the lattice Boltzmann method. The lattice Boltzmann models that were used are the single relaxation time (SRT) known as LBGK and BGK-Smagorinsky model for Re = 20; the 2D (D2Q9) nine-velocity square lattice was used. For the BGK-Smagorinsky model; the C
s values of 0.065, 0.1 and 0.13 were used. The results of the simulation gave the values of drag coefficient C
D that are in agreement with other results in the literature. This study has shown that the Smagorinsky model can be used to study channel flow of low Reynolds number past a circular cylinder in 2D with great success.
Keywords— Lattice Boltzmann Method, Circular Cylinder, LBGK Model, BGK-Smagorinsky Model and D2Q9 Model
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A Study on the Joint Maximal Numerical Range of Aluthge Transform
O. S. Cyprian
Department of Mathematics, Kabarak University, P.O. Box Private Bag - 20157, Kabarak, Kenya
Abstract– The Aluthge transform
T' of a bounded linear operator
T on a complex Hilbert space
X is the operator
[T] 1/2 U [T] 1/2. Here,
T = U[T] is any polar decomposition of
T with
U a partial isometry and
[T] = (T*T)1/2. This study of the Aluthge transform
T' was introduced and studied by Aluthge in his study
p-hyponormal operators. Since its conception, this notion has received much attention for a single operator
T. In order to
understand the joint behaviour of Aluthge transform of several operarors
T1,...,Tm, researchers such as Cyprian have studied
the Aluthge transform of an
m-tuple operator
T = (T1,...,Tm). For instance, the properties of the joint essential numerical range
of Aluthge transform for an
m-tuple operator
T = (T1,...,Tm) were studied by Cyprian. However, nothing is known about the
joint maximal numerical range of Aluthge transform
T' of an
m-tuple operator
T = (T1,...,Tm).
This paper focuses on the study of the properties of the joint maximal numerical range of Aluthge transform for an
m-tuple operator
T = (T1,...,Tm). This study will help in the development of the research on
hyponormal operators and semi-hyponormal operators.
Keywords— Aluthge transform
T', Hilbert Space, Joint Maximal Numerical Range
T' and Maximal Numerical Range of
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A Study of Content Based Methods for Author Profiling in Multiple Genres
Muhammad Waqas Anjum and Waqas Arshad Cheema
Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Superior University, Lahore
Abstract– Author profiling is the task of automated prediction of one or more author traits from his/her text. Author profiling is grouping of written document based on their similarity, content, topic and semantic tags of their author. Further than the identification and verification of a specific person whose writing style is examined, when we talk about author profiling that means how a specific person interact in a social circle and how they share their language so that group them according to their writing style [1]. Automatically detecting an author's profile from text has potential applications in marketing, forensic analysis and detecting harassment cases. To develop and analyze automatic techniques for author profiling, we need a benchmark corpora. In recent years, standard evaluation resources have been developed for different genres including tweets, blogs, hotel reviews, social media etc.
Keywords— Author Profiling, Authorship, Content Based, Corpus English, Dutch and Italian

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