Volume 7, Issue 8, December 2016
Hyper Recognition Techniques for English Digits Using Statistical Analysis of Nodes and Fuzzy Logic for Pattern Recognition
Majdi Salameh and Amer Abu Salem
University of Jeddah, Information Department, KSA, Jeddah, (Main Campus)
Zarka University, Computer Department, Zarka, Jordan
Abstract– English optical digits recognition has lately focused on [1], as it is valuable in a many fields. This proposed paper offers an enhanced exist Arabic digits recognition using node and analysis techniques [2]. The paper offerings methods for improving English typewritten digits recognition rate [3]. First one is node method that estimates number of ends and conjunction nodes of the digit given shape. The second method pattern recognition using fuzzy logic by analyzing each stroke from the shape, and classifies it into the numbers categories. The stages are going to be done by the given methods, to recognize English digit, each come out with its own result and later compounds these result to acquire the concluding solution and statistical analysis. There will be several steps in the recognition system, initial with the image processing [4], then feature extraction after that classification step. The step of image processing [5] contains image reading, and thinning the shape [6], [7]. Feature extraction determine end and conjunction nodes number using nodes method, and character that specify curves, lines, and circles which form shapes, and a number for the position of end nodes depends to conjunction nodes in ambiguous cases such as 6, 9. Recognition includes compound between two vectors. The proposed technique was implemented and tested on set of 70 digits and the experimental results contribute high recognition rate for some fonts and low for other fonts. The reason of the low recognition rate is irregularity of some fonts, or weakening for one of the methods. Over all recognition rate for digits were 51%, and after enhancing thinning and conjunction/ending points techniques the recognition rate raised up to 74%. The dataset contains multi font types of English digits from 0 to 9. According to end conjunction node recognition rate is improved by using shape classification before end conjunction node classification.
Keywords— English Digit Recognition, English Number Recognition, Node Method, Statistical Analysis, Fuzzy Logic , Pattern Recognition and Type Written Digits Recognition
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Various Types of Smart Grid Techniques: A Review
Muhammad Irfan Ullah Khan and Muhammad Riaz
School of Information Technology, University of Lahore, Islamabad Campus Islamabad, Pakistan
Abstract– For many years, there has been no reform are done in the main architecture of the electric power grid. The twentieth century centrally controlled grids are unable to fulfill the need of 21st century requirements. Smart grid is introduced to address the challenges of the previous grid. The smart grid is a modernized infrastructure of electric power grid that use high power converters, automation control, modernized communication architecture, smart metering technologies, modernized energy management techniques ,network and energy availability to enhance the reliability and efficiency of the electric power grid. Communication architecture and correct information are main two components of the current electric power systems, but smart grid need a much larger and more complex communication architecture for power systems. This paper deals with the different techniques that are used in smart grid to enhance its infrastructure and functionality. Our main focus in this paper is to provide the contemporary look at the different techniques that are currently used in smart grid to make him more efficient and reliable. It is expects that this paper will bring a better understating of the different techniques, to overcome the smart grid potential advantages and research challenges and raise interest in the research community to explore this research area.
Keywords— Distributed Generation (DG), Demand Side Management (DSM), Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Home Area Network (HAN), General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA)
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Analysis and Implementation of Adequate Database Management System in Wireless Sensor Networks
Mohd Muntjir, Mohd Rahul and Hussain Abu Sorrah
College of Computers and Information Technology, Taif University, Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Abstract– Wireless sensor networks are an emerging area of research interest and a network of distributed sensors grouped together to monitor physical or environmental conditions, like pressure, temperature, sound etc. The development of wireless sensor networks was first motivated by military applications; today such networks are used in several industrial, non-industrial and consumer applications, such as industrial process monitoring and control, machine observation, health monitoring, etc. By framework sensor networks as virtual databases, we can offer a nonprocedural-programming interface suitable to data management system. We squabble here that in order to attain energy efficient and useful completion, query-processing operators should be implementing within the sensor network and that estimated query results would play a key role in network system. We study that in network implementations of database operators need novel data centric routing mechanism, as well as a reassessment of conventional network and database interface layering. Wireless sensor networks are presently getting considerable concentration due to their unrestrained prospective.
Keywords— Wireless Network, Sensor Network, Sensor Node, Query Processing and Data Management in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Automated Risk Analysis Model for Software Development Enhancement
Sundas Akram, Muhammad Shafiq and Muhammad Azeem Akbar
Department of Computer Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Abstract– Risk in Software Programming is the misfortune in programming procedure and instability in the project. Numerous product apparatuses being utilized since long time for execution investigation, testing, check, troubleshooting and constructing applications. Software Engineering process models range from easy to complex like COTS to IDEs. Some of utilized as a part of particular periods of Software Development however others are utilized all through the procedure. Risk Analysis and Management (RAM) is the procedure utilized from starting to end to relieve the risk. Automating risk analysis model with robotized risk tool forecast might be done to moderate risks further. The purpose of this study is to show the analysis and management in Software Development for the flexible and traditional proposing a model for risk analysis, which will reduce risk in automated mode from starting to finish in various stages to much apprentice software engineers in their development.
Keywords— Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment, Risk Management and Software Engineering
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Comparative Phytochemical Analysis of Paullinia Pinnata and Telferia Ocidentalis
Oladimeji, Kolawole O., Nzerogwu, Ifesinachi E., Umeji Uchenna, M., and Okereka Eseoghene E.
Materials and Energy Technology Department, Projects Development Institute (PRODA), Emene, Enugu State, Nigeria
Abstract– The aim of this study seeks to investigate the presence of phytochemicals which act as the possible agents responsible for the medicinal activities of the leaves of Paullinia pinnata and Telferia ocidentalis. In this phytochemical investigation, it was revealed that they contained bioactive compounds which include: tannins, saponins, glycosides, phenols, steroids, alkaloids and flavonoids. The presence of the constituents was also found to be similar to those reported for most medicinal plants. The phytochemical screening of the Paullinia pinnata leaf extract showed a high concentration of alkaloids while Telferia ocidentalis leaf showed saponin as the most abundant phytochemical present respectively. It is concluded that aqueous extract of these leaves can be consumed as food or as an herbal medicine without plausible toxicity to body organs and tissues.
Keywords— Paullinia Pinnata, Telferia Ocidentalis, Phytochemicals and Medicinal Plants
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Reorganization of Physical Similarities in Source Code Using Clustering
M. Kashif Siddique Randhawa and Imran Mumtaz
Department of Computer Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Abstract– The objective of research is to uncover the usage of clustering with other source code detection techniques (Semantic, Structure, Kernel based, Adaptive Local Alignment and Graph based) to find out efficient physical source code similarity. Clustering is typically methodology to develop the gatherings of related items that is utilized for group the data. Source Code Similarity techniques are less efficient and slow in some situations. For finding the clustering efficiency with detection techniques, we have conducted a survey in which we make the comparison and show that the similarity techniques are best to use. To sort out the problem which can be effective for finding efficient source code similarity technique, we have conducted a research. The research is basically based on the survey which technique is used best for source code plagiarism. For taking the results use the SPSS statistical tool. The results obtained are effective in efficiency and accuracy.
Keywords— Clustering, Code Similarity, Detection Techniques, Plagiarism, Source Code, Physical Similarities and Similarity Techniques

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