Volume 9, Issue 9, September 2018
Antecedents of New Recruit’s Adjustment: An Empirical Study on Pakistan IT Industry
Muhammad Noman Riaz
Department of Computer Science, Virtual University, Lahore-Pakistan
Abstract– The transition of newly hired employees from educational institute to corporate world thrusts them into an unfamiliar environment. The reality shocks during early days lead to behavioral withdrawal, interpersonal conflict, lack of work engagement, lack of productivity, dissatisfaction and turnover. The purpose of present study was to explore the antecedents of new recruit’s adjustment in Pakistan IT industry. The study considered three antecedents: supervisor support behavior, psychological empowerment, feedback seeking behavior. The data was collected from 607 newly hired employees working in Pakistan IT industry. The data was analyzed using Structural Quation Modeling (SEM). The study highlighted that supportive supervisors can encourage the newly hired employees to seek feedback and help them to ‘fit in’ the organization. The managerial implications suggest that organizations should conduct training programs to make managers more approachable and available for new recruits in their early days to ensure adjustment and engagement in the organization.
Keywords— New Recruits, Supervisor Support Behaviour, Psychological Empowerment, Feedback Seeking Behaviour, New Recruit’s Adjustment and Socialization
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Factors Influencing the Performance of Gas and Steam Turbines for Electricity Generation in Nigeria
O. A. Fadare, Olutosin O. Ilori, A. R. Soji-Adekunle, O. O. Ojo
NDPHC, Ihovbor, Benin, Edo State, Nigeria
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Adeleke University, Ede, Nigeria
Abstract– The study examined the technical factors influencing the performance of gas and steam turbines for electricity generation in Nigeria, with a view to providing useful information on sustainability of thermal power generation technology in the country. A purposive sampling method was used to select some power plants in Nigeria. Precisely, gas turbines; Afam power station (Rivers State) and Delta power station (Delta State) while steam turbines; Egbin thermal station (Lagos State) and Sapele power station (Delta State) were considered. Data were obtained through primary and secondary sources. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The result shows that Egbin power station with a life span utilization of 80% had the best value for all the performance indicators while Delta power station with a life span utilization of 46.68% had the second best value. Afam power station with a life span utilization of 104% had the third best value and followed by Sapele power station. The study therefore concluded that the key performance indicators confirmed the steam turbine technology is better than the gas turbine technology.
Keywords— Performance Indicator, Gas Turbine, Steam Turbine and Electricity Generation in Nigeria
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Wireless Sensor Network to Monitoring the Patient Health System Internet of things (IoT) Based Using ZigBee
Mubashir Tariq, Muhammad Bilal, Syed Kamran Ajmal and Muhammad Waim Abbas Ashraf
Department of Computer Science, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Department of Computer Science, University of Central Punjab, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Abstract– Health Ecology is the one of the acreage that is rapidly growing actual fast nowadays with the advance of technologies abounding advisers accept appear with different designs for accommodating bloom ecology systems as per the abstruse development. With the boundless of internet, Internet of things is a part of the emerged acreage afresh in which abounding accept been able to absorb it into altered applications. In this cardboard we acquaint the arrangement alleged Iot based accommodating bloom ecology arrangement application Lab VIEW and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN).The arrangement will be able to yield patients physiological ambit and address it wirelessly via Xbees, displays the sensor abstracts on Lab VIEW and broadcast on webserver to accredit added bloom affliction givers from far ambit to visualize, ascendancy and adviser continuously via internet connectivity.
Keywords— IoT, Temperature Sensor, Heat Rate Sensor, ECG, WSN, GUI and ZigBee
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Risk Contributing Factors in Software Requirement Engineering Process: A Survey
Abstract– There is a well-established fact the worst thing that can happen to software development team during the project is that the requirements gathered during requirement gathering phase of the project does not adequately encompasses all the customer needs and this in turn leads the software development team along the wrong path and hence a success becomes a nightmare. To keep away from such a disaster there is a need to identify the risks as well as the factors that contributes in the development of these risks. The secondary research methodology has been adopted to conduct a literature survey in order to identify the risks that are likely to occur in software requirement engineering phase. The list of risk factors will be of great help especially for the inexperience software requirement engineers either working in research or commercial software industry.
Keywords— Software Requirement Engineering (SRE), Software Application, Risks and Project Stakeholders

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