Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2014
Assessment of the Quality of Effluent Generated by Aluminium Company in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Chindo A. Nwankwo, Ifeanyi L. Nwaogazie and Abubakar Mohammed
Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Materials and Engineering Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Abstract– An investigation on the physico-chemical and biological parameters from a wastewater stream in a typical aluminium company was carried out to determine its compliance with the regulatory standards in Nigeria. Effluent from the aluminium company was monitored for a period of 12 weeks. Values of biological oxygen demand, pH, total dissolved solids, oil and grease were above the guideline limits of National Environmental Standards Regulation Enforcement Agency (NESREA). The study emphasizes the need for pollution prevention plan to ensure that Ognigba creek which is the receiving water body does not experience further pollution from the aluminium company.
Keywords— Aluminium Company, Water Quality, Effluent, Physicochemical and Biological Parameters
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Austempering Heat Treatment of AISI 4340 Steel and Comparative Analysis of Various Physical Properties at Different Parameters
Najeeb Niazi, Salman Nisar and Aqueel Shah
Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Management, National University of Science & Technology PNEC, Karachi, Pakistan
Abstract– In this study a special heat treatment process named austempering on AISI 4340 steel is carried out. Heat treatment on steel is carried out to enhance mechanical properties. In this regard, it is considered essential to undertake a study to evaluate different changes occurred in AISI 4340 steel in terms of hardness, tensile strength and impact strength at different austempering temperatures and cooling times and achieving the best combination of these improved mechanical properties for better and optimum utilization of this grade of steel. By using software Design Expert DOE is formulated with Taguchi orthogonal arrays comprising of L18 (3*3) with 03 factors and 03 responses to be calculated. Results of experiments are analyzed via Taguchi method. Signal to noise ratio of responses are carried out to determine the significant factors among the 03 factors chosen for experimental runs. Overall analysis showed that impact factor along with hardness is improved to great extent by austempering process.
Keywords— Austempering Temperature, AISI 4340 Steel, Bainite and TAGUCHI
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Status Quo Bias Prevailing in the Economy of Pakistan: A Comparative Study of Investors and Bankers
Muhammad Arif Ali and Saman Ali
University of Gujrat, Pakistan
Abstract– This comparative study explored the level of status quo bias prevailing in the individuals. Two groups were taken into consideration i.e., bankers and regular investors. Questionnaires were used for this assessment. Independent samples t-test and descriptive frequencies was used in the methodology section. Final results showed that status quo bias prevails in both bankers and regular investors.
Keywords— Economy, Comparative Study, Investors and Results
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A Computational Algorithm for the Numerical Solution of Non Homogenous Linear Ordinary Differential Equation with f(t)=exp(t).
Adewole O.O, Olawuwo J.G, Lawrence M.O. and Fajemiroye J.A.
Department of Physics & Electronics, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Nigeria
Department of Mathematics & Statistics, The Polytechnic Ibadan, Nigeria
Department of Computer Science, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Nigeria
Department of Physics with Electronics, The Polytechnic Ibadan, Nigeria
Abstract– Differential equations are quite inevitable in describing, and explicitly delineating diverse kinds of biological and physical processes ranging from one form to the other.
The analytic solution of a non homogenous differential equation with f(t)=exp(t) has been delineated in this work with presentation of a computational algorithm.
Keywords— O.D.E, Non Homogenous O.D.E, Algorithm, Matrix Equation and Linearity
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Current Challenges in eHealth Informatics
A. Farooq, J. Arshad and Mudassar Qurashi
Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract– eHealth (Health Informatics/Medical Informatics) field is growing worldwide due to acknowledge of reputable organizations such as World Health organization and Institute of Medicine in USA. This field is facing number of challenges and there is need to classify these challenges mentioned by different researchers of this area. The purpose of this study is to classify different eHealth challenges in broader categories. In this paper, we mentioned stakeholders who are responsible to contribute in a particular eHealth challenge. We also purpose solution to eHealth challenges relevant to Information Technology domain. We concluded our discussion by specifying areas for future research.
Keywords— eHealth, Issues, Challenges, Solutions and Information Technology

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