Page limitations
- The size of submitted paper must not exceed 10 double-column pages, IEEE Transactions format including all figures, tables and references.
Paper formatting
- Please remove all page numbers.
- Your manuscript must be formatted to IEEE format guideline. Authors can access the formatting instructions templates: DOC, PDF
- The authors' names and addresses should not appear in the body of the manuscript, to preserve anonymity and ensure blind review.
- At the start of each paper there should be a summary of up to 250 words. The summary should be self contained and understandable by a non-expert reader. The summary is followed by a selection of keywords.
- Papers must be written without the use of footnotes.
- Mathematical expressions and Greek or other symbols should be written clearly with ample spacing.
- Use only the recommended fonts: Times, Times Roman, Times New Roman, and Helvetica. Be sure to embed and subset all fonts.
- Papers should be written using a 10pt font with single line spacing.
- References in the text are indicated by authors' names and year of publication in parentheses. If a referenced paper has three or more authors the reference should always appear as the first author followed by et al. The references are listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript.
- Journal titles should not be abbreviated.
- Journal
L. FRAZIER, J. D. FODOR, The sausage machine: A new two-stage parsing model. Cognition, 6 (1978), 291-325.
- Book
M. NAGAO Knowledge and Inference. Academic Press, Boston, 1988.
- Contributed volume
E. S. CORDINGLEY Knowledge elicitation techniques for knowledge-based systems. In Knowledge Elicitation: Principles, Techniques and Applications (D. DIAPER, Ed.), (1989) pp. 179-194. Ellis Horwood, Chichester.
- Conference paper
R. L. WATROUS, L. SHASTRI Learning phonetic features using connectionist networks: An experiment in speech recognition. Presented at the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, (1987) San Diego, CA.
- Unpublished reports/theses
J. W. ROZENBLIT A conceptual basis for model-based system design. PhD. Thesis, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, 1985
Paper Submission
- Each document should be submitted through email: or
- Since, IJMSE is a monthly journal so manuscripts can be submitted up to 5th of the each month i.e. January to December 12 issues per year
- Manuscripts MUST be written in English. The submitted papers should be in MS Word format with file extension .doc or docx. Any other format may cause extra delay in review and publication process.
- The review process may take approximately 2-to-3 weeks. In initial review, it is ensured that the similarity-index of submitted article is less than 14% as per IJMSE editorial policy.
- The manuscript which will not fulfill the requirements of size and formatting may also cause extra delay in review and publication process.
- An email will be sent as an acknowledgement of the receipt of the document. The dates of acceptance/rejection and publication will also be anticipated in the mail.
- Authors will be required to proof-read the paper before publishing. It will not be possible to accept major textual changes after acceptance. IJMSE is published on non-profit basis. However, after a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author will be requested to pay a voluntary Publication Fee of US$60 (per article) to cover the cost of online-hosting, Internet-servicing, editing, handling, etc
- After acceptance, the copy right form will be mailed to the corresponding author.
- One of the authors must complete the copyright release form.
- Please note: You are stating that the material in your paper is original and you have not previously released copyright for this paper to another party. We cannot publish your paper without this properly completed form.