Volume 14, Issue 3, July 2023
An Evaluation of Performance Metrics for QoS-Aware IoT Devices in Cloud-Fog Computing Environments
Ahmed Hannan, Muteeb Ahmed, Junaid Arshad
Department of Computer Science, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract- The increasing adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized various aspects of our lives, enabling the automation of daily tasks without human intervention. This exciting technology has tremendous potential for simplifying our lives and creating opportunities for new applications. The unpredictable nature of network traffic, varied traffic patterns, and resource restrictions of IoT devices make it difficult to meet the varied Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for various IoT applications. To address this challenge, academia has focused on developing QoS provisioning mechanisms tailored to specific IoT applications.
Keywords- IoT, QoS, Cloud Computing, Applications and Fog Computing
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Driving IoT Success in Cloud Computing Through Operating Systems
Ali Haider, M. J. Arshad
Department of Computer Science, University of Engineering and Tecnology Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract- As twenty-first-century innovations, the
Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing (CC) have
fundamentally reshaped the Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) landscape. Among
these, IoT, an avant-garde concept, promises to
revolutionize our interaction with everyday objects by
transforming them into intelligent virtual entities. This
transformation is achieved through the interconnection of
devices - from lights, TVs, door locks, to microwaves and
coffee makers - via the internet, software applications,
sensors, and actuators. In parallel, Cloud Computing,
widely recognized for powering large-scale and data intensive applications, employs a distributed system to
facilitate interaction among diverse computing devices
and information sources. The significance of Cloud
Computing extends beyond the provision of on-demand
computing power; it fuels innovation by enabling more
efficient and effective utilization of this capacity. In this
discussion, we primarily focus on IoT while
acknowledging the complementary role of Cloud
Computing. We will introduce the technologies
underpinning IoT and Cloud Computing, dissect the
structure, flow, and function of their systems, and
underscore the integral role of the operating system as a
unifying platform. This emphasis on IoT is crucial, given
its potential to transform our interaction with real-world
objects and its dependency on sophisticated systems and
Keywords- Internet of Things, IoT, Role of Operating
System, Cloud Computing and ICT Revolution
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Design and development of Impact Hammer Mill for Limestone Crushing for Acidic Soil
Gizachew Tefera
Oromia Agricultural Research Institute, Bako Agricultural Engineering Research Center, West Shoa, Bako
Abstract- Soil acidity becomes a serious threat to crop production in most highlands of Ethiopia particularly in Western parts of Oromia. Frequent tillage, removal of crop residues and mono-cropping and heavy rainfall contribute to soil acidification by leaching of cations. Agricultural limestone raises soil pH and reduces solubility of potentially toxic elements such as hydrogen, aluminum (Al
3+) and manganese (Mn) at optimum nutrient uptake by crops. In an effort to alleviate the problems associated with soil acidity, a motorized agricultural limestone crusher was designed and fabricated. The prototype of limestone crusher machine has a feed table, hammer plate, concave sieve, discharge chute, and supporting frame.
Keywords- Hammer Mill, Limestone, Particles Size, Problems and Crushing.
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A Comparative Analysis of Wireless Communications in Satellite, WLL, Ad-Hoc, 4G and IoT Sensor Networks
Aizaz Ahmad, Waseem Elahi
Department of Computer Science, University of Engineering & Technology
Lahore, PK 54890, Pakistan
Abstract- Wireless communication technology has become increasingly popular over the years due to its ease of deployment, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Satellite communication is widely used for long-distance communication, and it enables global coverage. In contrast, Wireless Local Loop (WLL) is used for short-range communication in a limited geographical area. 4G technology offers high-speed data transfer and improved network coverage. Ad-hoc networks are self-configuring networks, which enable communication between devices without the need for a centralized infrastructure. Finally, IoT sensor networks involve a huge number of sensors that collect data and communicate with each other to provide various services. Each of these networks has unique communication challenges and requirements that must be addressed. For example, satellite communication must deal with long propagation delays, while WLL requires low-power, low-latency communication. Ad-hoc networks must handle high mobility and dynamic topology, while IoT sensor networks must ensure energy efficiency and scalability. This research paper has the main objective to provide an overview of wireless communication technologies in one place and the unique challenges they are facing nowadays. It will be useful for researchers, engineers, and practitioners interested in the field of wireless communication technologies and its applications in different network scenarios.
Keywords- Wireless Communication, Wireless Local Loop (WLL), 4G Network, IoT Sensor Network, Ad-Hoc Network and Satellite Communication.
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Energy Optimization for Green Communication in IoT Using Harris Hawks Optimization
Zain Jahan
CS Department, UET, Lahore-Pakistan
Abstract- Internet of things owns achieved large amount of attention over the past years.Internet of things has possible to solved many issues like security issue,energy optimization issue ,data storage issue and real
time data analytics haveopposite the realization of true possible of Internet of things.The sensor used in the Internet of things network continuously monitor the environment. Many things in the old age Internet of things is affected.In past few years many researchers have solved the issue of energy optimization in Internet of things network.Energy optimization in Internet of things network is still undergoing
research.Optimal Cluster head method is select to energy optimization in Iot Network.In this paper we used harris hawk optimization algorithm to optimized the energy utilization In Iot network through Cluster
head method.The performance of harris hawk optimization based cluster head method analyzed model through many metrics delay,nodes,no of alive nodes, residual energy and temperature.The experimental result proved that proposed HHO based CH model is better than state of the art CH selection models. The HH0-based CH model extends the network lifetime by keeping the more alive nodes event after the three thousand rounds.The choice HHO-CH model hold thirty nodes,Genetic algorithm holds one node,Artificial
bee colony algorithm holds three nodes,moth flame optimization algorithm holds seven nodes and whale optimization algorithm holds eleven nodes.
Keywords- Internet of Things, Energy Optimization, Cluster Head and Harris Hawk Optimization Algorithm
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Evaluation of RPL-based IoT Protocol Performance under Various Mobility Scenarios
Rimsha Fayyaz, Nimra Khan, Muhammad Haris, Junaid Arshad
Department of Computer Science, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract- The growth of IoT applications and connected smart devices has made routing a challenging concept. To address this, the IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-power and Lossy Networks (RPL) was standardized for IoT networks. However, RPL was designed for stationary IoT applications and has difficulty adapting to the dynamic fluctuations of mobile applications. While several studies have attempted to adjust RPL for mobile IoT applications, a standardized version of this protocol is still in high demand. This research presents a comprehensive study on the impact of various mobility models on the performance of a mobility aware RPL to facilitate this process. A performance evaluation is conducted using IoT simulation tools to compare the performance of the network and its IoT devices under different mobility models from several perspectives. The results of this research will aid researchers in both academia and industry in designing and implementing application-specific and standard versions of RPL suitable for mobile IoT applications.
Keywords- Internet of Things, Mobility Models, Simulation, RPL, Routing Protocols, Performance Evaluation and Energy Consumption.
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