Volume 9, Issue 11, December 2018
Measurement of Rasch Analysis in Quality Model for a Web-based Integrated Student Assessment Application: Academician Perspective
Nur Razia Mohd Suradi, Saliyah Kahar, Nor Azliana Akmal Jamaludin
Faculty Communication, Visual Art and Computing, Universiti Selangor, 45600 Bestari Jaya, Selangor
Faculty of Defense Science and Technology, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia, 57000, Kuala Lumpur
Abstract- Software quality is a complex issue in any applications. The purpose of an education web-based application in higher learning institution is to provide online facilities or services to academicians. The study attempts to identify quality attributes of web-based integrated Student Assessment Application (iCGPA) among academicians. Online survey questionnaires were distributed among academicians from Malaysian public institutions for pilot study. Rasch Measurement Model is used to identify the items needed for a web-based iCGPA system. Rasch Unidimensional Measurement Model software known as WiNSTEPS is used to assess and analyse respondent responses. The items were analysed for person-item map and misfit data. Each analysis is discussed in depth based on item and person. Results shows that the quality items proposed is agreed based on the responses retrieved. Finally, inputs from pilot study will be used to improve actual study.
Keywords- Software Quality Model, Quality Model, Web-based Quality Model, Rasch Measurement Model, Rasch Analysis, Software and Educational Application
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Work Motivation Among Agricultural Development Agents in Jaldu Woreda, Ethiopia
Girma Ajama
Oromia Agricultural Research Institute (IQQO), Bako Agricultural Engineering Research Center, P.O Box 07 Bako, West Shoa, Ethiopia
Abstract- The study was conducted with an objective of assessing the level of DAs’ work motivation and factors which have possible relation to, and effects upon it. The statistical population for this study was comprised of 120 DAs engaged in delivery of extension services. Given the diminutive population size, a decision was made to administer the survey to the entire population. The research was conducted based on both primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected through discussions, interview and a questionnaire survey where as secondary data were also gathered from office manuals and files to provide additional information. In accordance with the research objectives, and data characteristic, the study used descriptive and inferential statistics to analysis data. The study found that more than half (53%) of the DAs had a low level of work motivation, 26% of them had a medium level of motivation and 20% had a high level of motivation to work. The result also showed that out of the 15 factors included in analysis, 10 of them were found statistically significant and related to work motivation of DAs at different levels. The factors such as work itself, quality of supervision, recognition, promotion, and perception about salary, were positively and significantly related with job motivation at less than 1% level. While work place distance and unrealistic work load were negatively correlated at less than 1% level. Work condition and feeling of being involved also showed a positive and significant relationship with the dependent variable at less than 5% level. Therefore, it was recommended that both the higher policy makers and the management of office of agricultural and natural resources in the study area should focus on the extracted significant factors for better development agents’ motivation strategy. Nonetheless as work motivation influences by different factors and subject to change overtime, administrators should periodically assess the factors of motivation and plan accordingly.
Keywords- AES, Das, Development and Work Motivation
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Environment Monitoring System in Chemistry Laboratory using WSN
Muhammad Noman Riaz
Department of Computer Science, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract- The adverse effect of air quality has to be considered; especially in an enclosed building like a Chemistry Laboratory. As due to the regular use of various chemicals in the Chemistry Laboratory it becomes essential to check the quality of air. The monitoring of the environment or the air quality in the Chemistry Laboratory is essential. The system detects the amount of concentration of gases in the air so as to develop an appropriate strategy to reduce the adverse effect of air quality on the health of people. For monitoring the air quality in the Chemistry Laboratory an Environment Monitoring System is designed using Wireless Sensor Technology. The system is divided into two parts [1] Sensor Network Implementation and [2] Data Collaboration and storage using Web Application. Wireless Sensor Network along with Internet of Things allows the use of various sensors to detect the environmental condition and to collect the sensor data thus permitting data integration, data collection and data storage. The system consists of: 1) Sensor node: That collects and transmits the sensor data to the central repository or the Sink
Node, 2) Sink node: It is the core node in the network performing important functions like data storage, data collaboration, computing and data, 3) Web Interface: Development of a Web application so as to provide access to the remote user to the sensor data and also for visualization of data in a systematic manner for further analysis. The system consists of sensor nodes designed using the Atmega328 microcontroller along with a nRF24l01 module for wireless communication and various analog sensors. The base station is designed by using the open source hardware Raspberry Pi, nRF24l01 module and analog sensors. A Web Server Interface is created to access the sensor data for the user.
Keywords- WSN, IoT, Environment Monitoring, Atmega328, nRF24l01 Raspberry Pi, Web Server Interface, Sensor Node and Base Station
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Eigenvalues and Dichotomy Condition of Difference Operators
O. S. Cyprian, N. M. Mogoi Evans, J. M. Abuga
Department of Mathematics Kabarak University P.O. Box Private Bag - 20157, KABARAK, Kenya
Department of Mathematics Eregi Teachers Training College P.O Box 100-50300, MARAGOLI, Kenya
Department of Mathematics Kisii University P.O. Box 408, Kisii, Kenya
Abstract- Thestudyofdifferenceequationshasavasthistory especially in relation to Sturm-Lioville equations and their discrete counterparts, Jacobi matrices, which have been analyzed usingsimilarandrelatedmethods.Howevermuchisneededtobe done in terms of spectral theory in the discrete setting. Therefore, in this study, we approximate the eigenvalues and establish the dichotomy condition of a Fourth Order Difference equation with Unbounded Coefficients on a Hilbert Space.
Keywords- Difference Operators, Jacobi Matrices and Sturm-Liouville Operators
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