Volume 10, Issue 3, May 2019
Improvements to the Firewall Working Mechanism: User and Application Identification
Moazam Ali
Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract- The purpose of firewall is to filter packets and validate protocols. These protocols and packets belong to some user or to some application. Firewall at some situation is not good at filtering these user and application programs. Firewalls are used to filter in bound traffic and to limit out bound traffic. Firewalls are used to limit what services can be reached by a user from outside. It should also be able to limit users who should be able to access a specific service. Even in some cases if some trusted users are allowed to connect and use a particular service, there is a chance of spoofing some other user may spoof their network addresses and can use the service, this is because data grams don’t provide us enough information about the user. In case of outbound traffic Firewalls are used to limit out bound traffic by restricting the port. There is still chance that an illegal application may access that port with standard protocol and try to send some traffic. In this research paper we will try to discuss these vulnerabilities and some mechanism to avoid them.
Keywords- IP, UDP, TCP, Firewall and HTTP
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On Norms of Derivations Implemented by Self-Adjoint Operators
Victor Shagwila, N. B. Okelo, Robert Obogi, O. S. Cyprian
Department of Mathematics Kisii University P.O Box 408-40200, Kisii-Kenya
School of Mathematics and Actuarial Science, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology P. O. Box 210-40601, Bondo-Kenya
Department of Mathematics Kabarak University P.O. Box Private Bag - 20157, Kabarak, Kenya
Abstract- In the present paper, we introduce and study the concept of norms of derivations, in particular norm estimates of derivations implemented by self-adjoint operators. We show that
||δC|| = ||CX − XC|| ≤ 2||C|| , for inner derivation while for generalized derivation we establish that
||δC,D|| = ||C|| + ||D|| , for all
C,D,X ∈ B(H). We also estimate that
||C|| ≤ ||CX - XC|| ≤ 2||C|| and
||δC|| ≥ 2(||C||2 + β2)1/2
Keywords- Norms of Derivations, Self-adjoint Operators and Generalized Derivation
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Minimize the Path Loss on Body Wireless Sensor Network
Iqra Tariq
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract- Creating upgrades in development presently is locked in to give better workplaces towards human prosperity. Movement in devices and remote correspondences has provoked reality of sensors which are little in assessed measure and successfully implanted or wearable by individuals. Remote Body Area Sensor Network (WBASN) is a mechanical field in which sensors are determined to human body to measure physiological parameters. The sensors are little in size and have the capacities to watch the physiological parameters and the movements occurring and resulting to viewing transmit them for further system. One of the major imperatives for the sensors which are being used in WBASN is control. The sensors have a battery used to give control. Imperativeness is eaten up for the most part when transmission occurs. In the midst of transmission, way incident is made which results in a tightened yield banner. This transmission way adversity is liable to two factors that are partition and repeat. The partition is from transmitting sensor center to the base station or sink. In this paper a technique reliant on transposition for on body restorative sensors is proposed for the decline of the way adversity. The proposed arrangement is transposition of the sensors on the human body. This transposition relies upon the lesser detachment of the sensors from sink or the base station.
Keywords- WSN, WBASN, Technique, Sensors and Human Body
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Feature Enhancement in IPV6 by Controlling Security Issues
Sidra Ikram Ilahi
Abstract- The use of the Internet is growing rapidly. Internet is the connection of different nodes with ache other for the purpose of communication. Every user connects to this infrastructure and become the part of Internet. Internet is the huge network which have millions of devices, two devices can only communicate if they find each other. To make the communication possible different protocols are developed. The internet protocol (IP) is the most famous protocol and its version 4 is still in market. But it going to kick out from the industry because of the limited address space. Due to the inadequate internet address, IP version 6 (Ipv6) does not meet the growth of the internet. In 1995 the first version of IPV6 was developed due to inadequate internet address. Ipv6 brings a lot of improvement. Ipv6 has been designed for safety purposes. It brings improvements in security to modern IP networks. This paper analyzes two-stage Threat Comparisons between Ipv6 and Ipv4. The first part is focused on the attacks with similarities between Ipv4 and Ipv6.
Keywords- Security Issues, Internet, Attacks, Communication, IPv6 and Infrastructure

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