Volume 4, Issue 8, September 2013
The Concept of the Virtuality in the Company: What Strategy for Change can Facilitate the Integration of this Concept?
Rachidi A., Talbi A. and Khatory A.
Laboratory of Production Engineering, Energy and Sustainable Development (L.P.E.S.D.), Faculty of Science & Technology of Fez, SIDI MOHAMED BEN ABDELLAH University, BP. 2427, 30 000 FEZ, Morocco
Higher School of Technology of Fez, 30,000 FEZ, Morocco
Abstract– Face to the technological development and to the race to the competitiveness that drives the search for total quality and the reduction of the cost in order to meet the needs of customers who have become more and more demanding. The world of organizations has evolved into a virtual world which removes the notions of dimension and of the time. One of the new forms of organization that information technology can withstand is the virtual enterprise. This new conception of the organization is in need of communication technologies to share information within the company or with partner companies. Thus, these new organizational forms such as the company are based on an intensive use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and the integration of the Help Systems in the Cooperative Work (HSCW). The technological tools such as the Ethernet TCP/IP, Intranet or the Internet allow you to perform the sharing of information and resources in real time to meet the needs of customers. A well calculated approach to integration of these tools allows a successful management of change in order to install these new practices within the culture of the company. In this article, we will describe the strategy of the virtual enterprise, its characteristics, its forms, the technologies and methods to help the cooperative work contributing to this virtual environment while ensuring a successful approach for change for the case of a company that wants to change its old practices by the practices developed by this strategy.
Keywords— Virtual Enterprise, NICT, HSCW, Ethernet TCP/IP, Internet, Intranet and Management of Change
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Optimal Energy Management in Microgrids Equipped with Distributed Generation
Ali Esmaeel Nezhad
Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Abstract– In recent years, the problem of optimal energy management has become a global concern all across the world. In this regard, this paper investigates the optimal scheduling of energy sources in microgrids taking into consideration distributed energy sources. In the presented paper Distributed Generation (DG) includes Micro-Turbines (MTs) as well as Fuel Cell (FC) generating units. This problem has been modeled as a single-objective optimization problem while the energy procurement cost is taken as the objective function. The model is implemented in General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) and solved using CONOPT solver, since the problem is proposed in a Non-Linear Programming (NLP) framework. Furthermore, simulation has been done on a 34-bus distribution test system to verify the performance of the proposed model.
Keywords— Microgrid, Distributed Generation, Fuel Cell, Micro-Turbine and GAMS
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Digitally Manipulated Topographic Map Scale 1:25000 using Global Positioning System and Geographical Information System on Adindan (Sudan) Datum
Abdelrahim Elgizouli Mohamed Ahamed
Department of Civil Engineering, Karary University, Sudan
Abstract– This paper describes a technique for evaluation the planimetric accuracy of 1:25,000 scale maps produced by Sudan Survey Department (SSD). The techniques are based on direct observation of ground control points using Trimble 5700 GPS receiver and arithmetic transformation algorithms. A set of 8 Ground Control Points (GCPs) has been selected inside the study area. The coordinates of all points have been observed by the GPS receiver and their corresponding values have been derived from maps based on the GIS Techniques. The area of the base-maps (scale 1: 25,000), bounded by jebelawlia to Elsheikh Eltieb (South – North) and Jebel Madaha to the University of Khartoum (West – East), was plotted by the analytical plotter BC-2 and scanned by the Scan Plus III 4000T and manipulated by ARC/ INFO (ESRI-GIS software) to check the coordinate values of 8-points using both Adindan (Sudan) and WGS-84 datums. Statistical analysis shows that both GIS transformation and GPS processing produce the same planimetric accuracy.
Keywords— GPS, GIS, Datum, SSD, ESRI and Transformation
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File Transfer over Dual-Stack IPv6 Tunnelling in Real Network Environment: Router to Router Performance Analysis Using Best Effort Approach
Mohd Nazri Ismail, Mohd Afizi Mohd Shukran, Kamaruzaman Maskat and Mohd Hafizh Mohamed
Department of Science and Defence Technology, National Defence University of Malaysia (UPNM), Malaysia
MIIT, University of Kuala Lumpur (UniKL), Malaysia
Abstract– In this research, we propose an architectural solution to implement file transfer service (FTP) in IPv6 environment network. IPv6 is considered to be the next-generation Internet protocol. Thus, this study is to analyze the size of files transfer performance and to measure Quality of Service (QoS) delivered by IPv6 using best effort approach in comparison to IPv4. This study primarily focuses on file transfer speed quality of FTP. In the experiment, both host clients and routers utilize the same technical specification. In the same study also, network management system (NMS) is used to monitor and to capture the performance of file transfer in IPv6 and IPv4 environment. Based on the finding result, it shows that there is a slight but significant difference in file transfer performance between dual stack tunnelling IPv4 and IPv6 protocol. Small size file transfer will result in lower and same delay performance outcome for both IPv4 and IPv6, while large size file transfer over IPv6 will result in higher delay performance as compared to IPv4. In short, the significant result of IPv6 delay is slightly higher than IPv4. Hence, the quality of FTP might be decreased if dual stack tunnelling is implemented in IPv6 environment. Nevertheless, Link Efficiency and compression technique are able to lower the delay performance on file transfer over IPv6 environment.
Keywords— FTP, IPv6, Delay, Performance and IPv4
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Incorporating Wind Intermittency into Probabilistic Optimal Power Flow
Ehsan Rahimi
Department of Electrical Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Abstract– Wind energy is an intermittent, volatile energy source which is difficult to forecast. This issue causes many problems in power system scheduling and planning esp. in power balance issue and also in optimal reserve allocation. This paper proposes an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) model incorporating wind power generation. Moreover, this model takes into consideration the cost of managing intermittency while Lattice Monte Carlo Simulation (LMCS) is used to generate scenarios. The cost of managing intermittency is applied to the objective function as two terms; Cost of spilled wind power and cost of using reserve to compensate the deficit in wind power generation. Finally, the simulation is done on IEEE 39-bus test system to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the presented model.
Keywords— Wind Power Intermittency, Optimal Power Flow, Lattice Monte Carlo Simulation and Skewness
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Characterization of Aluminium Ethoxide by IR and GLC Analysis
Adam Hassan Elhaj
Alfashir University, Sudan
Abstract– Aluminium ethoxide was prepared by the direct reaction of aluminium metal and dry ethanol using mercury (1) Chloride as catalyst. The final product was analyzed by IR & GLC. The results of these analyses indicated the formation of polymeric aluminium ethoxide.
Keywords— Aluminium Ethoxide, IR, GLC and Terameric
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Requirement Validation Model for Virtual Distributed System
Tayyaba Kiran, Saima Farhan, Huma Tauseef and Muhammad Abuzar Fahiem
Department of Computer Science, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
Abstract– Requirement engineering plays very important role in almost every field of computing and development. Many different techniques or models have been proposed for requirement engineering process. All these models follow different techniques to solve the requirement engineering issues. There are a number of general activities common to all processes which are requirement elicitation, requirement analysis, requirement specification, requirement validation and requirement management. Currently many researches have been proposed for various requirement validation techniques. All these techniques proposed by researchers majorly focus on centralized projects. In this research paper, a requirement validation framework has been proposed for distributed virtual projects. Main purpose of this framework is to enhance the quality of the distributed virtual systems by providing easy and systemic way for validating the requirements of such systems. Distributed Virtual Environments are those systems which are designed for users who are located at different geographical areas and uses different networks. These are designed without any requirement specification from end users. Our proposed framework provides a systematic way to requirement engineers through which they could analyze the requirements that come from user end on the basis of some factors like completeness, correctness etc. For developing proposed framework, three approaches have been followed; Prototyping, Review and Test Based. The successful implementation of proposed requirement on distributed virtual environment can have a good influence for building quality software in future.
Keywords— Distributed Virtual Environment Systems, Requirement Engineering And Requirement Validation Techniques
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